P.O. Box 456, Belvidere Illinois 61008 815-544-2900, bcfa2001@aol.com
Boer Goats - Department U2
Rules & Regulations, Etc.
All animals must meet State of Illinois Health requirements listed in the front of the book. All animals will be scratched from the show for unhealthy conditions at the discretion of the show committee, or superintendents, and will not be allowed to remain on the fairgrounds. When animals arrive on the grounds, they will be checked before they are allowed in pens. Any animals with evidence of sore mouth, abscesses, or ringworm will not be allowed on the grounds. If there is any problem regarding their ruling, a veterinarian will be called at the exhibitor’s expense.
All registration must be shown to the secretary prior to the show. No copies of the registration certificate, or the stamp duplicates, telegrams, or phone calls will be accepted in lieu of the original certificate.
All animals being shown must be registered in the name of the exhibitor. Registration papers will be checked upon arrival.
Animals must be in pens by Thursday at 4:00 p.m.
All animals must remain on grounds until Sunday at 4:00 p.m. For an Early Release and/or Sunday morning release, see RULE #58 .
Three entries per exhibitor will be allowed per class, however, only two premiums will be paid to any one exhibitor in any one class.
All livestock exhibitor’s trucks, trailers and vehicles must be parked outside the gates.
Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning pens before leaving grounds or premiums will be forfeited.
Important Information
Superintendent, Betsy Muehleip (815) 541-0003
Exhibitor passes and vehicle stickers will NOT be mailed. They can be picked up at the Administration Bldg.
Premiums Offered – $3,048.00
Judging Saturday, August 12th at 9:00 a.m.
Entry Fee $3.00 per entry.
Pen fee $4.00 Pen size 6x8 and 6x6 may be split at the discretion of the Superintendent.
If using blowers bring own generator.
Mailed entries must be postmarked before midnight, Saturday, July 15th.
Entries can be made in person and will be taken in the Administration Bldg. on the fairgrounds which will be open on Saturday July 22nd, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Sunday July 23rd, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. only.
Do Not make entries for Champions
Administration Fee $5.00 Per Dept. includes 4-H exhibitors, no fee for junior dept. if entered in open show. Exhibitor Tickets $20.00
All entry forms must have at least 1 exhibitor ticket purchased unless a member of 4-H
Entries will be accepted on a first come basis since there is limited room. All entry blanks will be dated and noted for time of acceptance.
This will be used to determine the animals accepted into the show.
Only Straw or Bag Mulch & Bag Shavings allowed for bedding!